What is a Pot Levy?


What is a Pot Levy?

A pot levy is the nursery based levy, the levy is payable based on the act of putting a plant into a container with growing media for purchase. While it is named as the pot levy it is also payable on plastic bags, root control bags, degradable pots. The pot Levy is usually collected at the point of purchase and is usually added to the invoice.

Who Collects the Levy?

The levy is collected by the Levies Revenue Service [LRS]

Who Pays the Pot Levy?

Anyone importing pots is also required to pay the levy, this includes the cost of the container plus duty, clearance charges and transport costs to their business. Importers must pay the levy directly to LRS.

Is There Reimbursement from the Pot Levy?

Under an arrangement between Nursery Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) and Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (HIA), levy collectors are entitled to be reimbursed 2.5% of the pot Levy.

How are the levy funds invested?

Horticultural Innovation Australia (HIA) invest funds into marketing efforts and other objectives based on the strategic investment plan. The Horticultural Innovation Australia (HIA) seek advice from a Strategic Industry Advisory Panel (SIAP) which consists of representatives of the nursery and garden industry.

What Is the Role of Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (HIA)?

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (HIA) invests more than $100 million in research, development and marketing programs.

HIA’s key functions are to:

  • Provide leadership in the Australian horticulture sector
  • Increase the productivity,
  • Increase profitability and competitiveness of the horticultural industries in Australia
  • Investing grower levies and government funds in research, development, extension and marketing funds, programs and services
  • Promote Australian horticultural products abroad

If you need help creating a plant tag or label for your plants, speak to the experts at Greenlife by immij