Obtaining high-quality plant labels that accurately represent the plants you intend to sell isn’t as easy as it sounds. There is no shortage of companies that say they can supply you with the plant labels you need, but the truth is that what is printed on the labels often ends up being inferior quality. Greenlife […]
Tag Archives: plant labels australia
Label design is an important consideration when it comes to making your plants stand out in the eyes of your target customers. We all want solutions that will help us to ensure that the products simply fly off the shelves, but creating the perfect label isn’t always as easy as it seems. As experts in […]
What is a Pot Levy? A pot levy is the nursery based levy, the levy is payable based on the act of putting a plant into a container with growing media for purchase. While it is named as the pot levy it is also payable on plastic bags, root control bags, degradable pots. The pot […]
In this blog-article, we would like to provide you with some potential options when designing and producing your Plant Tag Label. In our industry a consumer is first looking for the plant itself, once the consumer finds what they are looking for they will often find themselves with a decision of two or more brands […]